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Geographic Coordinates Of Paris |
ゲストユーザ: katyswift468 |
Paris - the fifth largest city of the European Union, one of the most important financial centers of the world. It is located in the north of France, in the slightly hilly plains of the Paris Basin. Check in mapquest directions
The capital of France is 150 km from the English Channel, on the banks of the Seine, which is perhaps the most decisive factor for the construction and development of the city. The continental temperate climate is, though quite unpredictable. Paris itself is quite compact: from North to South it stretches 10 km, and from West to East - 18 km. The geographical coordinates of Paris are presented in the table below. It determines the exact latitude and longitude of the city. latitude of Paris north latitude 48º 50 '00' Paris Longitude 2º 20 '00" east longitude In this way, the coordinates of Paris for a long time (until 1884) were considered "zero" in determining the longitude of the place (instead of the Greenwich Meridian, as is common today). The so-called "Paris Zero, Meridian" goes directly through the building of the oldest in Europe, the Paris Astronomical Observatory. |
ゲストユーザ: masser |
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